I’ve always been fascinated with technology and what we can create with it. Over the years I developed a passion for creating awesome user experiences that are responsive, accessible, and performant. I love how being a developer allows me to continually grow and learn, and I enjoy working in collaborative environments where people can benefit from one another’s experience and perspective.

I specialize more in the “front of the front-end” (HTML, CSS, accessibility, handling user interaction, etc), but also have extensive experience with JS in a variety of contexts including Express servers, React apps and more. I’m very comfortable with Git, and have a good understanding of the extensive ecosystem of tooling we have at our disposable to keep our projects tested, maintainable, and (somewhat) bug free.

I’ve been blessed to call Vancouver Washington and the beautiful Pacific Northwest home all my life. Outside of tech I enjoy sports, outdoor activities, Star Wars, and spending quality time with friends and family. And while those things are a part of who I am, I believe my true identity is anchored in my relationship with Christ. Apart from God I’m a sinner, woefully unable to fix myself. But because of God’s great grace in sending Jesus to die for my sins I am forgiven, and I have new life in him. I believe God offers this gift freely to all people as stated in John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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