
A series of posts about life, technology and web development.

Site Changelog - May and June 2024

A brief recap of what's changed on this site recently.

My Faith Story

This is my testimony, the story of how Jesus became the Lord of my life.

Traffic Light Pull Request Reviews

A simple system for clearer feedback on Pull Requests.

The 10,000 Hour Icebreaker

If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?

The TypeScript Holiday Special

A narrative I wrote as a pull request description for a TypeScript migration.

Speed Up Web Audio and Video

Use a JavaScript bookmarklet to adjust the playback speed of media on almost any page.

Tips for Future Developers

A few practices I found helpful in my professional growth as a developer.

Support Right to Repair

An open letter to our legislators in support of Right to Repair legislation.

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